




Welcome to the best Christian preschool  in Fayette County!


Mt. Calvary Lutheran Preschool...


♦   is a part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, Texas District

♦   provides a rich Christian environment for living, thinking and learning.

♦   was founded in 1981 for the purpose of reaching out to people with a Christ-centered education.


For this reason, the congregation opens the Preschool and other agencies of the Church to all who desire such training in faith and Christian living.


It is the philosophy of this preschool that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring, and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive; the program strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in its students.

Planned within the framework of our philosophy and purpose, the curriculum includes sharing and conversation time; stories, songs and fingerplays; creative art activities and crafts; games and large muscle activities; science and nature-based activities; shapes, colors, numbers, and letters; and celebration of birthdays, holidays and Bible Time.


Through our educational program, your child will be provided with a rich Christian environment for living, thinking and learning. This will allow your child to experience success at the present, and upon which future success can be built. By these activities and experiences, we meet your child's spiritual, mental, physical, social and emotional needs in helping to develop basic concepts, skills, abilities, attitudes, and knowledge.


Please call us at (979) 968-5913 if you have any questions!






Mt. Calvary Lutheran Early Childhood Education Center is a loving, caring body of believers devoted to Christ, His Church, His teachings, and His ministry.


"Let the Little Children come to me, and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."                      Mark 10:14


To provide Christian Ministries that lead children and families into a personal relationship with Christ and service to others in His name.



"Spiritual Growth"

Teachers helping to share Christ and leading families into a personal relationship with their Lord.


"Family Ministry"

Families building primary relationships around the principles of God’s Word and supporting family values through School Activities.



Children and Families are provided opportunities to hear the word of God through daily Bible stories and special Christian programs for the families.